Senior Transitions is on a mission of lessening the impact of uncertainty on Senior’s faced with change, while also being the eyes and ears on the ground for family so that we can lessen their stress and ease the Families workload.
We believe that Family is always the best option but with the busy lifestyle of most families navigating non-invasive assistance for aging parents can be stressful, overwhelming, and more often than not it moves the parent / child relationship into a parent / caregiver relationship.
We aim to keep the family dynamic intact so that adult children can be supportive and loving without being placed solely in the caregiver role.
Thank you Sheri, Janet and Shari for what John and I found to be a very pleasant and interesting evening. We do indeed think you're on to something important here with this whole "aging in place" business - there's just a lot of seniors out there who don't realize it yet!
~ John and Val Bateman