Our Professional Experts are available for your work place or event for workshops or Keynote Talks. We are available as a group – great for panel discussions – or individually, or even as an Emcee for your event
Each of our Experts can offer a “White Label” talk to your team and audience so as to not interfere with your branding but to enhance your team so that they can up-level their services and client relationships.
Our Network is made up of strong women who have built their businesses from the ground up. We are also available for motivational talks individually or as a team. We are open to discussing challenges of self- employment, growth strategies, marketing, entrepreneurship over 40 (second career), entrepreneurship in your 20’s. To name just a few.
Each of our Experts bring a unique flavour and view point to the table and we range in age from 20’s thru to the 50+ age category. A life time of experience is available to motivate and inspire your team and your audience.
I've been in the room many times when Sheri Godfrey has touched womens' hearts directly. And I've hired her to do that very thing in my own retreat rooms. Sheri is authentic, committed, and a true champion for women. She's strong enough to be vulnerable, and has been around the block enough times to relate to where women are. She's amazing on the fly, and captivating in any format. Sheri engages her audience and meets them right where she's at. She understands impact... and makes one wherever she goes.
~ Juju Hook Author of "Hot Flashes, Carpools, and Dirty Martinis" and Founder of PrimeTime PROSPER and PIVOT
Sheri was so positive and inspirational. We got to speak and learn about all of the positive attributes of ourselves and our coworkers. It brought all of our coworkers closer together and made everyone think before judging each other after doing the seminar with Sheri. She is so positive and upbeat and fun, you just want to hear more
~ Julie Larkin
Sheri Godfrey is a life-saver! Minutes before I was to step on stage to host my live event, my emcee arrived whispering to me that he couldn't fill his role! I was shocked and unprepared to host my day-long event without an emcee. However, without preparation and without hesitation, Sheri stepped into the role and her brilliance shone!!! She spoke from the heart; used her intuition; and emceed the whole day without a hiccup. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need an emcee or suddenly need a speaker, I would highly recommend Sheri Godfrey! She is brilliant. I'm thankful to have her in my circle.
~ Diana Lidstone | The Entrepreneur's GPS